- Jun2020
June Benefice Magazine
June 3, 2020
The June edition of the Benefice Magazine is now available to view and can be accessed by clicking here. Due to the ongoing situation in relation to Coronavirus, the Benefice Magazine will only be available online until further notice. Printed copies of the magazine will be produced as soon as
- Apr2020
May Benefice Magazine
April 27, 2020
The May edition of the Benefice Magazine is now available to view and can be accessed by clicking here Due to the ongoing situation in relation to Coronavirus, the Benefice Magazine will only be available online until further notice. Printed copies of the magazine will be produced as soon as it
- Mar2020
April Benefice Magazine
March 31, 2020
Due to the ongoing situation in relation to Coronavirus, the Benefice Magazine will only be available online until further notice. Printed copies of the magazine will be produced as soon as it is possible to do so. The April issue of the magazine can be accessed by Clicking Here
- Jan2020
Whitwell St Lawrence Christmas Tree Festival 2019
January 27, 2020
Whitwell’s first Christmas Tree Festival took place at St Lawrence Church between the 6th and 8th December 2019. Many community groups and individuals from the village contributed by setting up their own trees, there was even a Well Dressing on display. The church looked fantastic and refreshments were served to
- Mar2019
Lent Group 2019
March 3, 2019
Throughout Lent there will be a series of 5 studies on the theme of ‘Reconciliation’, based on the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book for 2019. Sessions will last for approximately 1 hour and will be followed by refreshments. The sessions will be held on Wednesdays, starting on 13th March 2019,
- Nov2018
Steetley Chapel closed for the Winter
November 4, 2018
Steetley Chapel is now closed for the Winter. Services will continue to be held on the second Sunday of the month and Silent Prayer will continue to be held on the first Friday of the month but the Chapel will not be accessible out of service times. The Chapel will
- Oct2018
Battle’s Over – A Nation’s Tribute
October 29, 2018
On 11th November 2018, St Lawrence Church will be part of Battle’s Over, an international commemoration marking 100 years since the guns fell silent at the end of World War I. Organised by Pageantmaster Bruno Peek LVO OBE OPR, Battle’s Over takes place on 11th November 2018, with events throughout
- Sep2018
CANCELLED – Service of Remembrance
September 23, 2018
The service of remembrance to commemorate the end of World War I, which was scheduled for 7th October 2018, has been cancelled due to the date being close to Remembrance Sunday.
Food, Faith, Friendship and Fun at St Lawrence Church
September 5, 2018
You are invited to a Family Service at St Lawrence Church, Whitwell on 23rd September 2018 for Food, Faith, Friendship and Fun . The service is from 10.30am to 11.30am and will be followed by a hot lunch at 11.30am. Lunch is £2 for adults and children eat for free.
- Aug2018
Whitwell St Lawrence Flower Festival
August 5, 2018
The Flower Festival to commemorate the end of WW1 took place at St Lawrence Church between the 12th and 15th July 2018. This was a fantastic community event with several groups and individuals from the village contributing, either by setting up their own display or sponsoring an arrangement. The church